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Date: 7/7/2024
Subject: LWV-Wake League Update July 8, 2024
From: League of Women Voters of Wake County

LWV-Wake Update 7/8/24 


Dear ~~first_name~~,


Greetings from LWV Wake.


As I write this message to you, it is July 4, 2024 – the United States Independence Day. We Americans love us some 4th of July as it is the apex of summer: picnics, hot dogs, hamburgers, and fireworks with plans to spend at least some time at the beach.


On July 4, 1776, fifty-six men in Philadelphia on a balmy day of about 76 degrees (according to Thomas Jefferson) signed the Declaration of Independence stating in part the following:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


With this document, these men “drew their line in the sand” telling King George III of England that we would be governing ourselves from that moment on. The War went on until 1783, but we celebrate the moment we drew that line in the sand. 


Much of this newsletter is about last week, where, in Washington DC, the League of Women Voters of the United States held our Bi-Annual Convention where 1200 in-person and virtual attendees drew our lines in the sand. We celebrate the fact that our very own Dianna Wynn was elected to be the President of the LWVUS Board for the next 2 years. She explained her beginnings at LWV Wake where, she related, she was not just “stuffing envelopes;" she wanted a place at the table. We are so proud of her, and we celebrate and support Dianna Wynn,who definitely draws her line in the sand.

We are a very mixed bag at LWV Wake.


We have members at all stages of lines in the sand.  Lots of us want to be members and attend functions. Most of us want to participate sometimes stuffing envelopes, or writing postcards or by volunteering in the myriad of events we have empowering voters and defending democracy. Some of us are intent on and willing to lead and to organize these events. Then there are the glorious few who want “a place at the table.”


Every one of us is absolutely necessary to our success. Let’s all work toward having more of us willing to lead, willing to organize, and wanting to have a place at the table. Together, we will draw our LWV Wake line in the sand.

Where do you draw your “line in the sand?"


Helen Zimmerman

LWV Wake Volunteers Celebrate July 4 at Dorothea Dix by Registering Voters


Rain and technical difficulties may have shortened the Wake County fireworks display this year, but it didn't stop our LWV Wake volunteers from making the most of their attendance. Loyal volunteers joined LWV Wake Voter Services Co-Chair Johanne Christensen to provide election information and encourage attendees to register to vote at the City of Raleigh 4th of July celebration at Dix Park.


WV Wake attendees at 2024 LWVUS Convention (Left to Right):Judy Hoffman, Mary Thompson, Marian Lewin, Dianna Wynn, Cheryl Tung, Elaine Okal, Brian Holland. Not pictured: Linda Dodge Virtual Attendees: Johanne Christensen, Kristen Howard, Helen Zimmerman

Dianna Wynn, newly named President of the LWVUS Board and former LWV Wake President, speaks at the 2024 Convention.

Over 1,200 members from all fifty states and the District of Columbia and Virgin Islands attended the League’s 56th National Convention, held virtually and in person in Washington, DC, from June 28 to June 30.


Please Support Women’s Equality Day;

Women Power Democracy


All members should have received a personal email invitation to our annual Women’s Equality Day celebration and fundraiser on August 22nd. This event raises much needed funds for all League activities, as well as to pay our organizational expenses.

Women do indeed Power Democracy and have been doing so since fighting for the right to vote and passage of the 19th amendment. We know democracy is on the ballot this election year. Our mission requires all of us being inspired and ready to roll up our sleeves to make sure voters are prepared. Let's celebrate the 19th amendment and get inspired for the battle ahead.

This year, we have an amazing speaker, Dr. Sara Glova, who is sure to empower us as we work to Get Out the Vote this election season.  In addition, many of our women elected officials will be in attendance. This is an opportunity to showcase our League as a strong and vibrant organization in the community.

We need all of you to help make this event successful! We need you to purchase a sponsorship, invite friends, and attend this event. We also need attendees to assist during the event, esp. with managing the food and beverages.  If you have computer skills, we need assistance in preparing recognition certificates and name tags for honorees.

Members who attended last year had a great time chatting with elected officials and listening to Hope Renovations Founder Nora Spencer discuss how her organization empowers women in the home-building industry. This year is sure to be just as inspirational! I hope you will join us at our Women Power Democracy event. To register and volunteer, please click on the link below:



Volunteer Opportunities Available to Register Voters Ahead of Election
Throughout July and August, there are many opportunities for LWV Wake volunteers to register voters as we head into the Presidential election. From a USIC Oath Ceremony to a Back School Jamboree, please sign up for a community event and encourage our neighbors to register to vote. See all volunteer opportunities by clicking the link below.


Several weeks ago, the North Carolina General Assembly voted to make the state's anti-mask policy law. After the Governor vetoed a revised version of the anti-mask bill, the legislation was ratified late last month after Republican lawmakers successfully overrode the governor's veto. 

Looking for information from a past newsletter? Previous League Updates can now be viewed on our website's home page. Look for the "League Updates" blue tab on the top menu.
Thank you for continuing to support the League of Women Voters of Wake County. 
Helen Zimmerman

The League of Women Voters of Wake County is a designated 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization by the IRS. Donations and membership dues are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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