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Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency LWV-Wake is a proud member of the NC Center for Nonprofits 

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Date: 6/9/2024
Subject: LWV-Wake League Update June 10th, 2024
From: League of Women Voters of Wake County

LWV-Wake Update 6/10/24 


Pride Month 2024
Dear ~~first_name~~,
Greetings from LWV-Wake. This month we celebrate Juneteenth and Pride Month. Both events serve to remind us that ALL people deserve to be treated with dignity and afforded equal rights. 

If you are interested in reading more about the historical legacy of Juneteenth, the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture has several online resources here. Discussed are “Freedom’s Eve” and the arrival of 2000 Union troops in Galveston, Texas two years later, as well as achievements and celebrations of African Americans that continue to shape American culture. 

Want to celebrate Juneteenth with LWV-Wake? Come to the City of Raleigh’s Juneteenth: A Chavis Celebration on June 12th from 6pm-9pm. LWV-Wake will be providing voter outreach, and we would love to have you join us!  Please sign up to volunteer. Remember you will need to log into our website in order to see volunteer opportunities.
A Personal Message to LWV-Members
As my term of LWV-Wake president ends on June 20th, I would like to thank all members, volunteers and the LWV-Wake Board of Directors for the opportunity to lead the League of Women Voters of Wake County for the past three years. It has indeed been a privilege to be part of a 104-year-old organization dedicated to Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy. 

This experience has provided me with opportunities to meet new people, engage with other organizations, manage a nonprofit organization and work to increase the League’s presence in Wake County. From transitioning to a new website platform in order to increase efficiency and reduce administrative tasks, to securing additional grants to provide funding for contract communications support and new projects, I would like to think we have moved forward in the past three years.

Because the need for capacity-building funding is great (as is my love for the League!), I will continue to look for sources of support to build our League presence in the community. In addition, I will continue to serve the Voter Services and Comms teams. 

This is not good-bye; however, this is my last newsletter. We now have a great comms team and a new energized president ready to take over the reins and create a new version of our bi-weekly newsletter. Change is good!

As we enter one of the most important election seasons, I encourage all of you to volunteer your time and talents to help us reach voters and continue to keep our organization running smoothly. You can do this by signing up for one of our many volunteer opportunities, as well as becoming active in a committee or a leadership position. 

In addition, I would ask each of you reading this today to consider purchasing a sponsorship and attending our upcoming fundraising event, Women’s Equality Day. We have an incredible guest speaker, and we will recognize all the hard-working women elected officials serving Wake County who look forward to engaging with the League at this event. You can register below under events.


Upcoming LWV-Wake Events

Please VOTE and ATTEND our Annual Meeting
Registration Deadline: June 17th

LWV-Wake Annual Meeting materials were emailed to all active members on May 20th. If you did not receive the email, please check your spam or junk folders. Please also check that we have your correct email address listed in your member profile. You use your email to log into our website. If you have any issues locating this email or logging in, please reach out to Cheryl Tung
Annual meeting materials include important information regarding a by-laws change as well as upcoming membership changes. Please take a moment to read the materials and VOTE! 
During our annual meeting, we will be time to mix and mingle before starting the business portion of our meeting. We will provide a nominating committee report, along with the results of election via electronic ballot. We will also have comments from LWVUS President nominee Dianna Wynn! Outgoing president Cheryl Tung will make brief comments and recognize outgoing board members before welcoming incoming president Helen Zimmerman. Helen will discuss the new membership structure and how membership dues will be collected. There will be time for Q&A. 

Ticket price is $35 and includes dinner. There will be a cash bar for the first hour. For more details and to register, please click on the link below.

Learn How to Use Social Media for LWV-Wake
Breanna Benz-Santos will join us to provide how-to basics for using social media, as well as best practices for using social media as a tool for activism. 
She will also give us guidance on what sorts of photos, links and information that members can send in ways that can be posted on LWV-Wake social media channels. Click below to register: 

Join Us for Women's Equality Day
This year's Women's Equality Day gala will be held on August 22nd, 2024, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. inside All Faiths Chapel at Dorthea Dix Park, Raleigh. Our theme this year is "Women Power Democracy."
Tickets and sponsorships include admission, buffet-style appetizers, wine and lemonade. 
Dr. Sarah Glova, NC State alumna, CEO and founder of Reify Media and a founding member of the NC Women Business Owners Hall of Fame, will be the keynote speaker. During the event, we will honor and recognize women elected officials in Wake County.
This event is our major fundraising event of the year, and we hope all members will support us by attending and purchasing a sponsorship. For sponsorship and volunteer opportunities, please click below:


Last Change to Register as an Observer 
Registration Deadline: June 10th
The 2024 National Convention will take place June 27-June 30 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC and online. In-person and virtual delegates will have the opportunity to participate in our Convention Plenary and vote on our 2024 – 2026 Program, 2024 – 2026 budget, 2024 – 2026 LWVUS Board of Directors and Nominating Committee, and submitted bylaws amendments.
All LWV-Wake members are invited to attend. While all voting delegate spots are filled, you can choose to attend as an observer. If you are interested in attending, please reach out to Cheryl Tung to determine your attendee status. For more information and to register, click below.

Other Events

Community Presentation June 2024
Highland United Methodist Church 
Social Justice Forum
LWV-Wake president Cheryl Tung will be the guest speaker at Highland UMC for it's Third Tuesday Social Justice Forum. She will provide an overview of election changes as a result of SB 747 and Voter ID implementation. There will be time for Q&A.
This event is hosted by Highland United Methodist Church and is open to the public. No registration is required. Highland United Methodist Church is located at 1901 Ridge Road in Raleigh. 

Volunteer Opportunities

LWV-Wake has teamed up with the City of Raleigh's Office of Community Engagement!
This summer will offer a plethora of volunteer opportunities as Wake County residents flock outside to events, parks and back-to-school activities. 
LWV-Wake will need all hands on deck as voter outreach is now more important than ever during this crucial election season. 
You'll be needed at the upcoming 4th of July at Dix Park Celebration, Moore Square, Advance Community Health, and more. 
Please don't miss this opportunity to serve your community and represent LWV-Wake. Please click here to review all volunteer opportunities. 
Join us as we provide voter and election information to attendees of the Pine Acres Community Day on June 23rd from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
We need volunteers! Please sign up to help out here and remember, you must be logged in to see this volunteer opportunity. 
We'll provide community festival attendees with essential voter election information. 
If you have questions, please contact Johanne Christensen. Johanne's contact information is on the event page. 

Looking for information from a past newsletter? Previous League Updates can now be viewed on our website's home page. Look for the "League Updates" blue tab on the top menu.
Thank you for continuing to support the League of Women Voters of Wake County. 
Cheryl Tung

The League of Women Voters of Wake County is a designated 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization by the IRS. Donations and membership dues are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
2023 Seal of Transparency
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