Voter Outreach & Voter Registration at Apex's PeakFest on May 4
Provide election and VOTE411 information as well as voter registration at this all-day festival. Volunteer slots are 2-2.5 ours and many volunteers will be needed. Sign up at the link below (you will need to be logged into the website to see this listing).
United States Customs & Immigration Services Voter Registration
Registering voters indoors at ROLLING OATH ceremonies. You will need to arrive by 8 a.m. and bring your ID. You will have to pass through a metal detector in order to keep your cell phone. Volunteer opportunities beginning on April 15 through the end of the month. Sign up at the link below.
Zebulon Juneteenth Voter Registration Event
Provide election information at Zebulon's Juneteenth Celebration. This celebration will recognize the significance of Juneteenth, the history and accomplishments of black community members, and celebrate black culture. To volunteer, click on the link below (remember to log into the website).
Timely Topics Chair and Co-Chair
Timely Topics is our public education program that occurs monthly from September-November and January-April. Guest speakers are invited from government and nonprofit organizations to address a variety of related to issues important to LWV-Wake members.
The Timely Topics Chair and Co-Chair are responsible for soliciting speaker ideas from our issues committees and the board and creating the Timely Topics program calendar. This position also coordinates with committees on speaker invitations and guest technology requirements, as well as securing in-person locations. Task lists and templates for communicating with guest speakers, as well as a list of potential locations and contacts will be provided.
Women's Equality Day Chair & Committee Members
Women's Equality Day is LWV-Wake's largest fundraising event. It is held each August around Women's Equality Day. During this event, we recognize all women-elected officials that serve Wake County. We also feature a guest speaker.
The Women's Equality Day (WED) Chair is responsible for leading and organizing volunteers to secure the venue, caterer, and guest speaker, invite honorees, identify a theme, and manage the overall event. The committee works with the board, as well as our fundraising, environment and communications committees, to assist with event planning.This event has taken place for many years and all tasks are well documented and organized.
If you are interested any of these volunteer opportunities or want more info, please email Cheryl Tung.